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Membership Conditions

A) This membership entitles Student(s) to train as specified in this Application for Membership. Training arrangements are valid only at the assigned Ebanmu (Training Temple) but, yet, may be transferred to another Ebanmu per request. Tumfo tu Movement Masters, LLC has sole discretion over the classes that are available at the Ebanmu. Training is subject to additional rules, regulations, and procedures that may be implemented from time to time. This agreement applies only to those persons or entity named in this membership as “Student”. Tumfo tu is not under any obligation to provide services to any other persons and is not responsible for injuries to others not named as Student in this membership. Access to a different Tumfo tu Ebanmu in/out of Membership state are restricted unless otherwise pre-arranged, first, with your own instructor and, then, with Instructors/Management of requested Ebanmu. (Additional fees may apply).

B) The Student/Sponsor shall pay all fees, charges, surcharges, and applicable taxes in accordance with the terms set forth herein. Whether Student trains once, or not at all, or every single day during the selected time period, full payment shall be due. The Student/Sponsor agrees to buy the time allotment stated, for the life of this agreement as stated on the face of this document, training is simply a privilege under the terms and conditions of this membership. You DO NOT pay for training but for the membership to have the privilege to train.

C) It is the responsibility of the Member to provide current credit card and account information. Declined credit cards and NSF checks will incur a $25.00 fee.

D) If you default under a service agreement at a different Ebanmu than the one specified in this Application, Tumfo tu may recover any unpaid sums due to any other Ebanmu. Tumfo tu may also, in particular (but not limited to), withhold services under this Application or deduct sums from the deposit held under this Application with respect to said unpaid debts.

E) Voluntary termination must be emailed to C-KS at: thirty (30) days prior to the next due date.

F) Memberships are nonrefundable unless you meet the requirements for one of the two exceptions: 1. a written doctor’s note stating you are no longer able to train or 2. proof of relocation outside of 50 miles from the SE Tumfo tu Ebanmu.

G) The Student/Sponsor warrants that s/he/it will not use any of the rights granted in this Application for any obscene, illegal, immoral, or defamatory behavior and will not in any way bring Tumfo tu Movement Masters LLC into disrepute. The Student/Sponsor will not, in any way whatsoever, use or combine the C-KS/Tumfo tu name, in whole or in part, for the purpose of trading activities.

H) Tumfo tu Movement Masters LLC may immediately end this Membership by giving you notice, if your conduct or that of someone at your invitation to an Ebanmu is illegal, fraudulent, defamatory, or is consistently incompatible with our code of conduct and expectations.

I) If Tumfo tu terminates this Membership for any of those reasons, it does not put an end to any, then, outstanding obligations you may have, and you must pay for additional services you have used.

 J) I hereby release, waive and discharge Tumfo tu, its officers, employees, volunteers, and contractors (collectively, known as “C-KS/Tumfo tu Movement Masters”) from any and all liability and all claims of any kind arising from participation in any activity or program offered by the Ebanmu, or arising from the use or publication by Tumfo tu of photographs of me/those named as Student on this Application participating in programs or activities offered by the Ebanmu, I will indemnify and hold Tumfo tu Movement Masters LLC harmless of and from any and all damages or judgments and costs of litigation. 

This Agreement as a whole shall be governed by the laws of the State of which it is applied I am signing this Agreement freely and voluntarily, having read and understood this Agreement in its entirety.

COVID-19 Liability Release Waiver


The World Health Organization has declared the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) a worldwide pandemic. Due to its capacity to transmit from person-to-person through respiratory droplets, the government has set recommendations, guidelines, and some prohibitions which the Tumfo tu Movement Masters LLC. (C-KS) adheres to comply.


In consideration of my participation in the foregoing, the undersigned acknowledges and agrees to the following:


𝀊 I am aware of the existence of the risk on my physical appearance to the venue and my participation to the activity of the Organization that may cause injury or illness such as but not limited to Influenza, MRSA, or COVID-19 that may lead to paralysis or death.


𝀊 I have not experienced symptoms of fever, fatigue, difficulty in breathing, dry cough, or exhibiting any other symptoms relating to COVID-19 or any communicable disease within the last 14 days.


𝀊 I have not, nor any member(s) of my household, traveled outside of the United States within the last 10 days.


𝀊 I did not, nor any member of my household, visit any area within the United States that was reported to be highly affected by COVID-19, in the last 30 days.


𝀊 I have not been, nor any member(s) of my household, diagnosed to be infected with the COVID-19 virus within the last 30 days.


𝀊 I will inform the staff of Tumfo tu Movement Masters, LLC. if I have contracted of have been in close contact with anyone who has contracted COVID-19. 


Following the pronouncements above I hereby declare the following:


𝀊 I am fully and personally responsible for my own safety and actions while and during my participation and I recognize that I may be in any case be at risk of contracting COVID-19.


𝀊 With full knowledge of the risks involved, I hereby release, waive, discharge the Organization, its board, officers, independent contractors, affiliates, employees, representatives, successors, and assigns from any and all liabilities, claims, demands, actions, and causes of action whatsoever, directly or indirectly arising out of or related to any loss, damage, injury, or death, that may be sustained by me related to COVID-19 while participating in any activity while in, on, or around the premises or while using the facilities that may lead to unintentional exposure or harm due to COVID-19.


𝀊 I agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Organization from and against any and all costs, expenses, damages, lawsuits, and/or liabilities or claims arising whether directly or indirectly from or related to any and all claims made by or against any of the released party due to injury, loss, or death from or related to COVID-19.


By signing below I acknowledge that I have read the foregoing Liability Release Waiver and understand its contents; that I am at least eighteen (18) years old and fully competent to give my consent; That I have been sufficiently informed of the risks involved and give my voluntary consent in signing it as my own free act and deed; that I give my voluntary consent in signing this Liability Release Waiver as my own free act and deed with full intention to be bound by the same, and free from any inducement or representation.

This waiver will remain effective until laws and mandates relevant to COVID-19 are lifted.

Covid Anchor
Tumfo Tu Movement Masters black, red, grey, and white logo with the business name represented in a white font.

Master your movement...

     Master your life!


Office Hours

Monday - Thursday 2 PM - 9 PM

Online Hours

Monday - Thursday 10 AM - 9 PM

Class Hours

Monday 6 PM - 9 PM

Wednesday 6 PM - 9 PM

Saturday AM - 2 PM

© 2023 By Tumfo Tu | All Right Reserved

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