Tumfo Tu involves constant growth and constant challenge. If you have come to visit the Tumfo Tu Ebanmu, you have certainly seen the level of passion and dedication Tumfo Tu students and instructors bring to their craft. In showings, all the students demonstrate their skills and growth and speak about their individual experiences. Notably, children are always among the most prolific speakers. The benefits from Tumfo Tu are powerful for everyone who trains, but the real reasons to train are most obvious in children. The average adult is afraid to get up and speak in public. However, the children of Tumfo Tu are able to remain calm and confident even in the most demanding settings we can create. Adults, similarly, walk with the confidence of knowing they can protect themselves.

Most students of Tumfo Tu come to learn self-protection. Many disciplines teach self-defense, but Tumfo Tu teaches more than defense. Self-defense is focused on defending from immediate harm. Self-protection is about creating and preserving conditions for growth. This may involve self-defense, but it is also focused on managing everything that precedes the threat of harm. With a solid understanding of self-defense, when the threat of harm presents itself, the body will pump adrenaline to prepare. Tumfo Tu students, operating with discipline for self-protection, will not be unduly moved by things outside of them. They can be as calm in the face of danger as they would be in any other circumstance. They can operate with riveted viciousness, if necessary, as well. With an understanding of self-protection, Tumfo Tu students have the freedom to do whatever best manages a hostile situation.

If you talk to anyone who has trained in the discipline for at least a few years, they will certainly have stories to share about how this discipline allowed them to protect themselves. One of the instructors has a story he likes to tell from when he was a mid-level student. He was eating a sandwich as a passenger in his mother’s car one night. While they were making a left turn in an intersection, they went over a bump and some of the sandwich lodged in his throat. He realized quickly that he could not breathe. While it would have been natural to freak out and get his mother’s attention, he realized he could not do so safely at that moment due to all the cars around. What he did instead was recognize there must be air still in his lungs and that he had that to use. Using breathing techniques from Tumfo Tu, he was able to force the lodged food out of his throat and resume breathing. It did make a loud noise that startled his mother, but thankfully no car crashes occurred that night. It was a good expression of self-protection. That same power could be expressed as a blow capable of ending the fight or as a calm word that changes the energy of an interaction.

The majority of people do not encounter physical violence in their lives, though a substantial minority do. Self-defense can be useful to those that do, but self-protection is a responsibility all people encounter every day. Inhale, and then exhale. If you do not inhale again, you will die. No matter how safe we feel in the world, we all live just one breath away from death. Self-protection makes sure you survive the fight, but it also makes sure you survive the days that follow. This is why we train Tumfo Tu.